Want More?

So, you clicked on one of the maps of some hallowed Trout water.

When we were kids, and new to flyfishing, we used to hang out at the fishing club offices or the local fly shop. There we would invest hours in eavesdropping, listening and talking, to come away with every tidbit of info we could. That was hard-earned info!   Some fly-fishers were envious of what we knew. Others were amazed and intrigued as to how we knew what was going on in the world of flyfishing here in the KZN Midlands.

The internet has changed all that. Fishing spots are at risk of being splashed all over the web for all and sundry to overwhelm them following news of a good fish.

But I would like to offer fellow flyfishers a modern version of what we were able to work for and glean back in the 1980’s. 

And I don’t want you to pay for it, because we didn’t.  But you may have to invest some effort (because we did). 

So if you would like more info about where to fish, conditions, etc etc as it related to the KZN Midlands, I can do that by way of these interactive maps (take a look at some that are live …… ones for waters where rod pressure is controlled). So please do invest the effort and drop me a line here, and I will endeavor to help you with a temporary map link where appropriate. 

Thank you for your message

Your dispatch is winging its way to my PC as you read this, and I am sure that when I get in off the river, it will be in my inbox demanding my attention.