There’s this bloke who comes down the lane in the late afternoon, often in the mysterious mist that swirls about in these parts, and he lets out a series of haunting screams. He does it most days. I can’t help thinking that it must scare the children. I mean, hell, it scares me! But I think most people don’t listen to it anymore.

“Why don’t they get it?” I asked my fishing companion as we picked the grass seeds from as high as our shoulders back at the bakkie. We had just fished a champagne Trout stream, which last saw a rod months before. We had caught half a dozen beautiful wild Trout.
“Why are we the only ones booking and fishing this beat?” I asked rhetorically as we packed away our rods a week later. “I know!” was the answer from my fellow fly fisher. He had just caught his biggest river Trout ever.

“Will my vehicle be safe at the roadside there?” A friend asked me. He was referring to a beat where I have caught countless beautiful Trout and sent him the pictures repeatedly over many [break-in-free] years.

I visited an old farming friend recently. He converted to regenerative farming practices nearly 20 years ago, and he told me in a half whisper, that he never used to make as much money as he does now. He has had a string of curious corporates and academics visit his farm to hear his philosophy and how he does it. None of them have made the change.
A mate confides that he is struggling to afford the petrol to travel out to the Trout rivers on week-ends. I feel sorry for him. Most days I see him picking up a fancy cappuccino from a boutique coffee place that I can’t afford.

“I envy your outdoor life” says another. He works a top job in the corporate world.
To be fair, he doesn’t see my countless hours in front of a PC, and my fishing trips cancelled due to finances and work commitments.
“I just can’t find the time” says another. He posts political comments on social media most days.
I have stayed home many a day to clean a pool, go shopping, do some DIY. But prioritising fishing sure helps. There are some things that the soul needs.

That guy who screams down the road every afternoon: he is deaf.
He is begging for a better life.

(Images from this season to date)
4 Responses
Great photographs and on the ball comments. Why do we allow jobs and other demands prevent us from feeding our souls in this way? Enjoy it to the full while you are fit and healthy.
Yes indeed Tim. We do need to stop and re-assess our priorities!
Thought provoking on priorities!
And a massive golden hunk of a fish… well done!
Thanks Neil. You didn’t do too badly with the Browns this week either!