Fishing cottages: a photo essay



Vrederus (1 of 1)-7

Reekie Lyn lower (5 of 32)

kelvin g (1 of 1)PC160001


Rhodes travels (19 of 28)





Mt Le Sueur (4 of 13)

5 Responses

  1. Hi Andrew
    What an interesting and novel post. Well done! It’s interesting and maybe also a sign of a well spent life in fly fishing, but I recognise so many of these gems. The cottage on Vrederus, Branksome, Willow Cottage on the Isted’s and ‘Honeymoonhuisie’ as Carien calls it, on Gateshead. But there are many I don’t know that by the look of them I rather wish I did!
    Kindest regards

    1. Thanks Tom.
      As I put the pictures together I was puzzled that there are some I visited that I never thought to photograph, and I resolved to put that right.
      We should put together a meet up at Vrederus some time…half way…:)

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