A Fly-Fisher's Landscapes

A gallery of fly-fishing images from South Africa

The uMkhomazi river at Vergelegen


A rainstorm over a lake viewed from a cottage

a tributary of the Bushmans river in KZN



a scene of flyfishing on the Ncibidwana River in KZN province of South Africa
Arum Lillies and trout water
The Lotheni River
uMngeni River
Farm 27-1
Snowflake cottage on the Bushmans River in KZN
Rainbow (1 of 1)-3
Mtshezana (25 of 30)

The Lotheni River

Stippled Beauties (1 of 1)-30
Poort (11 of 52)

5 Responses

  1. Really enjoyed your website , uncomplicated,noncompetitive and really gives one a good feeling to be a fly fisher man.

  2. Very enjoyable and most inspiring to see the beauty of the berg rivers in all their glory. I really enjoyed it and I envy those who can benefir from it all.
    Thanks very much.

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