Mountains & Trout

Mountains & Trout [youtube]   Vimeo: Mountains and trout from Andrew Fowler on Vimeo.   Vir die van julle wat die Afrikaanse woorde van hierdie liedjie ken, sal julle seker met my saam stem as ek se dat dit heelwat toepaslik is.

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Slowing it down

I think I have been moving too fast. In years gone by (in fact right up until this week), I have been the guy moving on up. I glance at a bit of water, metaphorically shake my head, and move on. If a spot is half likely, I might dust it with a few casts, then tell myself I was right about it, and move on. The first cast at a pool or run is the best one, I reason, and each subsequent presentation will have diminishing returns. Now don’t get me wrong, I still believe there is merit to

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