Losing Nemo. Making sense.
Exploring beads, bobbers and other other affronts to our idiosyncratic sense of flyfishing aesthetics.
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Exploring beads, bobbers and other other affronts to our idiosyncratic sense of flyfishing aesthetics.
A few hours on my local stream, complete with some catching, and duffing it.
Some time back, I worked on a few methods of achieving a “gill body” for my nymphs. I was convinced that Ostrich herl was the way to go. I think I still am convinced. For the time being at least. It has such fine dense fibres, that seem perfectly sized for nymph gills. This is particularly so for the smaller nymphs, #14 and #16. The problem with this material is that it is so frail, and even a good ribbing fails to protect it, and it ends up tattered. The main problem is that the stem of the herl is