Named Pools of the Umgeni

I love maps.
Let’s do a  drill-down to my nearest Trout Stream here in South Africa:
Firstly, for those outside of South Africa…. see below:
Then, below is the detail of that purple rectangle above:
And below again: Detail of that red elipse above, showing the major Trout Streams of the KZN Midlands. (the red dots denote the source of each stream. The copper line shows a significant ridge of high ground, with altitudes in metres above sea level along it. )
Pick out the Umgeni River above, and here below is a general locality map of the area closer up, showing the zone directly above the UMGENI label in the map above:
Umgeni map inserts
Three detailed maps showing close ups of the colour coded areas in the above map:


Black box from the locality map above:  (Furth and Brigadoon)  (which also includes the red area, further expanded upon in mapo no 2 hereunder)   [from “Trout on the doorstep” ]
Named Pools rev 1


The red box from the locality map:  (Lower Brigadoon)  [From “Stippled Beauties”]
lower Brigadoon (1 of 1)


The blue box from the locality map: (Chestnuts) [From Neville Nuttall’s “Life in the Country” ]
Chestnuts (1 of 1)
Here be Trouts indeed!


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6 Responses

  1. Infallible Rapids?
    Pfft. Hold my beer and watch this.
    Thanks Mr Fowler. That’s really interesting and well presented.
    I have an old backpack that I keep sundry tackle in. The small front pocket is filled with scribbled notes, pamphlets, bits of maps of nature reserves and some hand-scribbled ones that I’ve got from guys at dinner, in bars and where I’ve bumped into them on waters. There’s maps of rivers in the Transkei, Lesotho and our familiar rivers ( and some less familiar). I keep it around me on the off-chance that I find myself in an area with some hours to kill.
    It’s very probably a treasure trove of immeasurable value, but I have no idea.
    You see, I can’t bring myself to using it. Imagine that I’ve been carrying useless crap around with me for two decades? I’d be shattered.

      1. Are you implying that I may never use that hook disgorger / bottle opener / nail knot tying / barb flattening / stud tightening / corkscrew / fire starting/ trace wrapping / can opener tool I bought back on ’94?

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