Coffee and quotes

Wisdom of the guides-2

“The whole thing about fly fishing is that it’s supposed to be fun. If you have more fun not catching fish on a dry fly than catching fish on a nymph, then fish a dry fly”

Gary LaFontaine, from Paul Arnold’s book “Wisdom of the Guides”

(and that is Al Troth on the cover by the way)


Wisdom of the guides-1

There is a story to this hut!  LINK.

I eventually got someone to do one for me !

2 Responses

  1. Profound truth.
    I’m so afraid that if I overthink my fishing in terms of what is most “productive” that it’ll just lose the deep joy that I get from it.
    I’ll fish a dry when a nymph (or a combination) will work better just because on that day I’ve got something close to control over my presentation and I just like how it looks bobbing downstream without drag. Other times I’ll fish a nymph because, well, I opened my box and saw one that took my fancy.
    I think that if I’m happy and am at least in with a shout then why not?

    1. Indeed Savs! I once spent a day with a mate and outfished him 5 to nil because he just liked the way the dry fly looked, even though I was catching on nymphs. I think that on some level he had a better day than I did!

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