The nature of rivers

Some time back, I fished the Trout Bungalow section of the Mooi River with a good friend of mine. It was a magical April day. We arrived late morning, perhaps a little too late, as I like to be on the water by about 10:00 am at the very latest.  We tackled up quickly and headed upstream to do battle. I carried a particular air about me that day. It was an air of curiosity and comparison. An introspective sense of evaluation, and an acute appreciation of the nature of this river. The reason for this is that the outing

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Doing the hills: a photo essay

  As river fishermen, we inevitably do a fair amount of clambering up and down steep hills. Sometimes it is the walk in on a goat track.   Paul De Wet and Rhett Quinn heading up the Riflespruit valley   At other times it is just part of making your way up and down a river valley.   Roy Ward looking for good footing in a river valley in KZN Either way a certain quota of sure footedness is an asset, as is a reasonable degree of fitness.

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