Coffee and quotes

“…… the old days anyone with a bucket or a milk can could get a load of fingerling trout and put then wherever he wanted to, and that the first plantings done by the Division of Wildlife itself weren’t much more scientific than that. The result on the one hand was that a lot of already depleted native cutthroat fisheries were destroyed altogether by the introduction of brown, rainbow and brook trout. On the other hand, some thriving fisheries were established where before there had been no fish at all. You can apply revisionist criticism to all that if you

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The ban on Broccoli

The South African department of environmental affairs is about to see to it that broccoli ceases to find its way onto dinner plates in South Africa, by listing it as invasive and requiring a permit to do anything with it. Dammit!  I like my broccoli!  What is it with them! Broccoli is tasty. It is only grown in small areas. It doesn’t harm anyone, and millions of us like it. Hell, some people are passionate about it. They say not to worry and that we will be able to get permits. I don’t trust them.  Broccoli, it seems, are guilty

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