Looking back on the decad: The first ten days of February.
Taking a look at how this ten-day period of fishing season panned out over the last 40 years (1983 to 2023)
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Taking a look at how this ten-day period of fishing season panned out over the last 40 years (1983 to 2023)
Waiting out the hot still days and planning for fishing with the cold fronts
I was impressed recently, by Alison Graham-Smith , a Lead Advisor on conservation and Land Management for ‘Natural England’ in Hampshire, who had read Harry Plunket Greene’s book “Where the bright waters meet”. I was all the more impressed because she is not a fly fisher. I asked her how she had come to read the book, and why. In her reply she explained that it was important as a conservationist to have read the history and the descriptions of Hampshire, before she could claim to be equipped to restore that environment. Mark, Alison and Sam : Catchment sensitive farming