The second Decad of May
Flyfishing the middle of May: a journey through fourty years of a flyfisher’s journal
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Flyfishing the middle of May: a journey through fourty years of a flyfisher’s journal
Sifting through the fishing diaries and taking a peek at forty years of hunting trout, ten days at a time.
Exploring the mid April chapters of fly fishing experiences over the years.
Exploring the history of flyfishing in KZN over the last 40 years through a flyfishers journal: The first ten days of April in this instalment.
Exploring the fishing season over the first third of March, with reference to journal entries over the years.
Taking a look at how this ten-day period of fishing season panned out over the last 40 years (1983 to 2023)
Exploring Frog water on the Letort and the uMngeni, a Trout migration theory.
Leaving the big city behind, getting back home to sleepy small town life. Reversing down the Telegraph road, away from gloom.