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Every now and then I develop a minor obsession with some or other pattern, or rig, or method. Lately it has been adult caddis patterns. Here is a sample from my vice:
Perceptions, deceptions, and decisions. Many years ago, PD, Luke and I were returning from fishing this lovely piece of water. We were in high spirits as I remember it. We had caught plenty of small, athletic rainbows on dry flies during the day. As I remember it, it had been sunny and windy, as it often is up there, and if my checkered history in these matters is anything to go by, we probably didn’t allow for the effects of high altitude, and got roasted in the sun. That would have added to the end of day “glow”. And in
My Friend Jay Smit recently returned from the States, bearing gifts from his host in Boise, a week or two earlier. The ever generous Jay, invited me to put my paws in the cookie jar, and take a look at what I pulled out!……. Wow! Thank you Jay, and thank you Bill!
In April this year, a man by the name of Kenneth Einars posted these pictures on Facebook: Interesting aren’t they! And beautifully tied too. These immediately sparked my interest, because I had recently read Peter Hayes’ excellent book “Fly Fishing outside the box”, where, in chapter 3 he makes a rock solid argument for having your adult dun imitation facing upstream if there happens to be a downstream wind. Hayes is a deep thinker, and a great writer, and throws old ideas wide open for re-consideration. That’s what he has done with the idea of having your adult mayfly imitation