The rivers are open. Some have rushed out there, all puffed up with the ceremony of it all. Given that we fish our stillwaters all winter long, and that our rivers are only closed for three months, I find that a bit over the top, but I suppose its fun. I often don’t rush to the rivers until we have had rain, because at this time of year they can be low and slimy and not so attractive. But this year we had late snows (and accompanied by about an inch of rain in these parts), and the rivers are
Exploring the golden age of discovery in fly fishing and wondering if we haven’t gone backwards
Several months of obsessing over flyfishing the trout streams in KZN, are neatly framed by two ant hatch interludes on stillwater.
Deliberations on fly weight, density, tippets, and sink rate, and the pleasant distraction of trying to solve the puzzle.