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Even my patience was waning, but I am happy to tell you that the limited edition, hard cover version of my book arrived yesterday. To those who have already pre-ordered: Thank you for your support. Your books will be making their way to you by courier, personal delivery, or whatever else you requested or arranged. Those who would like to buy a limited edition book, or a soft cover second edition, which will be available within days…..….please click on the “Book launch” tab at the top of this page and follow the ordering instructions there. I am very pleased with
To read about the book, or to order a copy click here. Visit the Facebook page
When I was at varsity there was this dumb saying, that in a man’s life he should buy a farm, write a book, and visit a whorehouse! I have no intention of achieving one of those, and another I simply can’t afford. I have however published a book! This is an announcement I make here with conflicting emotions of satisfaction and humility. Satisfaction, because it has been close on two years of work, and I am pleased as punch with the result. Humility, because ……well because it feels downright pretentious and uncomfortable to announce this out in the marketplace and
My Friend Neil and I were out the other day roving around between some Trout waters that were not looking all that promising. Neil asked me to stop, and asked if he could borrow my camera. I had been boasting about just how fantastic these bridging cameras are nowadays. On optical zoom only, shot from the passenger seat, this is what he got: On no zoom: 1200mm equivalent, optical zoom only! And in the photo editor back home, effectively using digital zoom: And a bit more, just to show where you can go with this thing: These were taken
Look at those long legs! Have you ever had the privilege of watching a secretary bird tackling a poisonous snake? It is quite something to watch! Enough to cause me to pause a while and watch these things strutting around in the veld, in the hopes of seeing it again. (From David Bygott, ”Silly Birds” , Zimbabwe) Clearly I was not the only one to make this association about the leggy secretary!